The following handouts, essays, examples, etc. are intended for students in Purdue's Department of English, but I all are welcome to use them as needed. Feel free to copy and/or share; just cite what you use.
I'm happy to share more documents—applications for grants, tenure & promotion materials, IRB protocols, instruments for research, etc.—with Purdue students or others in writing studies. Just get in touch.
A selection of web portfolios created by Purdue students:
I prepared these following materials in fall 2002 and spring 2003, while I was a PhD candidate at the University of Florida. I sought a tenure-track position an assistant professor of English, teaching composition studies and new media.
I sent WIU an application in October 2002, interviewed at MLA in December 2002, visited the campus in Febrary 2003, and accepted their offer in late February.