English 309, Spring 2020: Digital Design & Production

Bradley Dilger, Purdue University

This course provides an introduction to critical elements of design thinking which involve computing: user-centered design, type design, page design, and design through testing. You’ll get practical skills, theoretical knowledge, and diverse experiences to help you engage in design projects, broadly speaking, using both traditional and electronic tools. Our introduction will include a strong practitioner emphasis, from texts to projects. We’ll explore the connections of design and ethics, design and writing, and computing and design.


Reading is an extremely important part of designers’ work, and it will be crucial for this class as well. Three books will be assigned, in addition to a large selection of articles:

Please purchase the textbooks immediately. If you buy your books online, use priority shipping. We begin reading the books in week two.


Discuss readings, participate in group work, and complete other activities.
Reading responses
Short responses, written most weeks, that engage the readings and assignments.
Redesign portfolio
Redesign a small portfolio of found documents using hard copy and electronic tools. Annotate your designs to describe your thinking.
Semester project
Complete a theoretical project which examines issues in computing and design in relevant research, or an implementation project which engages them through problem-solving.

Please contact me if you have questions.

Bradley Dilger ~ dilger@purdue.edu ~ 309.259.0328
Copyright © 2020 Bradley Dilger.